You can find here a number of promotional materials developed under the project. For others, please check the Deliverables, Policy Briefs and Publications sections and/or write to us for further details.
- Logo and Visual Identity Basic Guidelines
- Project Logo (variations, in .jpg format)
- Project Logo (variations, in .png format)
- Project Folder (ready-to-print version)
- Project Notepad (ready-to-print version, covers only)
- Project Banner (web version, ready-to-print version is available upon request)
- Project Brochure (2021 edition, in English, last update in 05/2023)
- Project Factsheet 'About LEILA' (2021 edition, in English, last update in 05/2023)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in English)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Bulgarian)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Croatian)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Czech)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in French)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in German)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Greek)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Italian)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Latvian)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Lithuanian)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Portuguese)
- Project Factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' (2023 edition, in Spanish).
Disclaimer: The factsheet 'LEILA Outcomes' presented herein has been translated into Croatian, Czech, French, Greek, Italian, Latvian, Lithuanian, Portuguese and Spanish, using professional translation services. These language versions have not been validated by a native speaker - a representative of the project.
- ‘06/2021 Edition presents the project, its main activities and expected outcomes
- ‘12/2021 Edition comments on the initial mapping of stakeholders and the data gathered towards defining the functional and technical requirements for the Platform
- ‘06/2022 Edition presents the rounds of stakeholder discussions and the findings therein
- ‘12/2022 Edition discusses the progress of the Platform development and the road to sustainability
- ‘06/2023 Edition showcase the final steps towards the Platform development
- ‘10/2023 Edition presents the validation process with professionals and end users
- ‘11/2023 Edition is focused on the LEILA Final Conference and the launch of the Platform