
Interaction with Stakeholders in the Judicial Auctions’ Domain

LEILA aims to ensure that all activities, project steps and outcomes are fit for use by end users and, from a more general point of view, properly address stakeholders’ needs. Cooperation with policymakers, judicial professionals, key professional bodies in judiciary, e-Justice legal and technical communities, citizens’ and businesses’ associations, etc. shall be actively sought since project’s early stages.

The platform’s design phase, reflecting on the functional and technical requirements for the future platform, envisages a series of active interactions through online questionnaires, semi-structured interviews, participative workshops, and public meetings, to gather feedback, impressions, and suggestions.

Furthermore, stakeholders’ evaluations and validation are of primary importance during the implementation and testing phases of the pilot platform, thus functionality and user experience will be discussed during stakeholders’ evaluation workshops.

Details of the planned meetings and discussions shall be published in the events section in due time.

Should you wish to express interest in a particular project stage and/or event, get in contact.

Interconnecting Member States

Within the course of the project, the pilot platform is to be initially integrated with existing national systems maintained by the competent authorities of Italy, Latvia, Croatia, Czech Republic, Portugal, France, and Lithuania, to retrieve the judicial auctions’ data in an automated way.

The platform will facilitate, consolidate, and support the data exchange over e-CODEX to reduce time and costs for development and integration with national information systems.

Should you represent a competent authority interested in exploring the LEILA platform functionality and/or availability for integration, get in contact.

Interaction with Projects and Initiatives

LEILA is looking for synergy with projects, organizations and formal networks acting in the field of judicial auctions, judicial cooperation, and real estate asset investments. If your project and/or initiative falls within our areas of expertise and/or is related to the activities we are implementing, please get in contact with us and let us know how we can best contribute to each other’s activities!

Established Partnerships

The Ministry of Justice of Italy in charge of providing all Italian courts with hardware, software, and related IT services throughout the country. It’s also in charge of building and maintaining web portals such as the one that enables searching information about goods to be sold in judicial auctions taking place in Italy.

The Ministry is also coordinating the Expert Group setup at the Council of the European for the judicial auction topic under the e-Justice Action Plan 2014-2018 (continuing work under e-Justice Action 2019-2023).


The Austrian Federal Ministry of Justice is responsible for providing electronic solutions for the judiciary in Austria such as the provision of the Austrian Case Management System for civil proceedings. The Ministry operates the Database of Official Publications containing auction edicts regarding movable and immovable items. Furthermore, Austrian bailiffs have been provided with the possibility to auction items on the internet auction platform of the justice system in a cooperation with the German justice system.


The Latvian Court Administration, in collaboration with the Latvian Ministry of Justice and the Latvian Sworn Bailiffs Council and Insolvency Administration, has developed the electronic auctions platform that is part of state ‘Register of Enforcement Cases’ system.


The Croatian Financial Agency (FINA) is the state body responsible for implementing e-judicial auctions on national level. FINA is the operator of the e-Auction service which allows participation in the electronic public auctions of real estate and movable property auctioned off in enforcement proceedings.


The Chamber of Judicial Officers of the Czech Republic maintain a central register of enforcing procedures, where auction rules of order and notices of auctions are recorded. The Chamber is in the process of developing online auction platform for judicial officers.


The Portuguese Solicitors and Enforcement Agents National Association (OSAE) is the professional association representing the private enforcement agents, while the latter handle more than 90% of the enforcement proceedings in Portugal. OSAE is also responsible for the development and maintenance of the civil auctions’ platform.


The National Chamber of Commissioners of Justice of France is the professional body governing the work of both bailiffs and judicial auctioneers. The Chamber is under the supervision of the Ministry of Justice of France.

State Enterprise Center of Registers is the Lithuanian public entity responsible for running and maintaining the E-auction System where residents and businesses have a possibility to participate remotely in the electronic forced auctions organised by bailiffs and insolvency administrators and in the electronic auctions for sale of state-owned and municipal property.


e-CODEX (2010-2016), being a content agnostic e-delivery infrastructure that supports cross-border e-Justice services, provides for a secure platform/infrastructure for digital exchange of data. Me-CODEX (2016-2018) aimed at maintaining e-CODEX products, marketing the e-CODEX solutions, and assisting EC and Member States in deploying e-CODEX.

Me-CODEX II Project further extends these activities, while leading the necessary arrangements for the proper handover of maintenance of the e-CODEX solutions and the management of the user community to euLISA.

For further information, please visit the euLISA website.