
Project activities are divided into five streams.

Work Package 1 ‘Project Management & Coordination’ and Work Package 5 ‘Dissemination and Stakeholder Awareness’ are horizontal and reflect and support all other project activities.

Project’s core consists of two work packages, namely Work Package 2 ‘Defining Functional and Technical Requirements’ and Work Package 3 ‘Development of a Multilingual Platform for Judicial Auctions’, which are dedicated to the design, development, testing and piloting a multilingual platform for judicial auctions.

Work Package 4 ‘EU-wide Adoption and Sustainability Road Map’ aims to secure the future of the LEILA multilingual platform for judicial actions and its adoption by relevant stakeholders operating on EU level, providing guidelines for implementation on Member State level.

WP Leader:

Ministry of Justice, Italy


Month 1 - Month 34


To manage and control project resources, schedule and activities, and the overall quality of the project, ensuring the consistency between the project outcomes and the strategic objectives of the project.


Task 1.1. Project coordination

Task 1.2. Risk management and quality assurance

Task 1.3. Reporting and financial coordination


Work Package 1 Deliverables

WP Leader:

Institute of Legal Informatics and Judicial Systems — National Research Council of Italy, Italy


Month 1 – Month 33


To identify the project stakeholders (end users and most relevant target groups) and engage them in project activities to ensure project outcome alignment with stakeholders’ needs

To identify, analyse and define functional, technical and security requirements, and detailed technical specifications for the development of the software and for the interoperability between the platform and the established solutions at Member State level


Task 2.1. Mapping stakeholders

Task 2.2. Preliminary analysis of functional and technical requirements

Task 2.3. Stakeholder discussions

Task 2.4. Defining a final list of functional and technical requirements

Task 2.5. Defining assessment criteria


Work Package 2 Deliverables

WP Leader:

Ministry of Justice, Italy


Month 6 – Month 34


To prototype, develop the software, test, and deploy a multilingual platform for judicial actions by following the detailed functional and technical requirements and stakeholders’ needs as direct outputs from Work Package 2

To lay the foundations of enabling future developments correlating information with other sources and sites to enhance the usefulness of the results and to increase the overall effectiveness for end users


Task 3.1. Design and prototyping

Task 3.2. Software development

Task 3.3. Testing, validation with external users/stakeholders

Task 3.4. Deployment


Work Package 3 Deliverables

WP Leader:

Ministry of Justice, Italy


Month 3 - Month 34


To secure the future of the multilingual platform and its adoption by relevant stakeholders operating on EU level, providing guidelines for implementation on Member State level


Task 4.1. LEILA Sustainability Plan

Task 4.2. Action Plan for EU-wide adoption


Work Package 4 Deliverables

WP Leader:

LIBRe Foundation


Month 1 – Month 34


To create a large awareness of LEILA concept and tools, by familiarizing stakeholders with project results and achieving recognition of project deliverables, thus achieving cross-border transfer of project outputs and enlarging the project impact

To enhance national and cross-European cooperation between national executive authorities and judicial bodies, legal organisations and professional bodies, civil society organizations and academia, on judicial auctions matters and practices

To develop relevant publications and project presentations in third-party public events


Task 5.1. Development of a Dissemination and Communication Strategy, project identity and website

Task 5.2. Digital media campaign and communications

Task 5.3. Policy briefs, publications and ad-hoc stakeholder engagement

Task 5.4. Final conference


Work Package 5 Deliverables